Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | earth | poster | reckoner | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: IslandTrapper 1.1 1993 1994 Island Graphics Corp. All riphts IslandTrapper and the Island Logo trademarks of Island Graphics Corporation. This progiam written with MacApp@ 1985 1994 Apple Computer, Inc CREDITS: Programming Team: Trent Brown Mike Gittelsohn Michael Perani Darrvl Trujillo Keith Trummel Mark Boenke Roger Corman Scott Geiger -Project Manager Quality Assurance: Dankers Lauderdale Bryan Weisberg User Interface: Richard Antaki Product Management: Lawrence Berkin Technical Support: Mark Alan Cirino Documentation: Ben Bovd Chris Boyd Lisa Rapp Special Thanks to: Brian Berson Director of Marketing Bob Malecki Dan Remer Dave Newman Ed Miller Mia Lilien reserved tademarks program Darryl Danker Intertace Mana igement